Højbjerre Brauer Schultz has transformed from 3 partners to 20+ employees in only 5 years. This changes a companys identity, thus new logo was needed.
We didn’t make a brand new identity - just the logo, so instead of a regular identity case we wanted to show that creating a logo is a long yet playful process. Here is what we came up with.
Selected Works
HBS Economics gets a new logoLogo design
Nordkraft caseCorporate idendity
Ventu caseCorporate Identity
Ticket design for DBUTicket design
Mini Identity for OnsdagskoncerterSub brand mini identity
Icon design for EPOSIcon Design
Designing in the zoneBrand identity design
360 degrees of collaboration with SimCorpClient relationship
Sustainable packaging design for AIAIAIPackaging design
Icon design Købstædernes ForsikringIcon Design
Flamgo casePackaging design
House of Kids caseLogo and identity design
Haiti poster project casePhotography and art direction
2017 Annual Report for Georg JensenGraphic design of annual report
Business brochure for Ringkøbing-Skjern MunicipalityArt direction and graphic design of business brochure
Concert calendar for PULSARArt direction and graphic design of concert calendar