Design of icon library for Kødstædernes Forsikring

For our insurance client through many years,
Købstædernes Forsikring, we teamed up with designer Jeppe Voight
and together we designed a new icon style and a vast library of stylish consistent humanistic icons

01 Intro_New
02 Designchallenge
03 design principles
05 Icon color
04 Icon size
06 Icon positive
07 Icon negative
08 website

Selected Works

Nordkraft caseCorporate idendity

Ventu caseCorporate Identity

Ticket design for DBUTicket design

Mini Identity for OnsdagskoncerterSub brand mini identity

Designing in the zoneBrand identity design

Flamgo casePackaging design

House of Kids caseLogo and identity design

Haiti poster project casePhotography and art direction

2017 Annual Report for Georg JensenGraphic design of annual report

Business brochure for Ringkøbing-Skjern MunicipalityArt direction and graphic design of business brochure

Concert calendar for PULSARArt direction and graphic design of concert calendar


Strandlodsvej 61, st. tv.
2300 København S


Mark Gerlach Christensen
+45 23 99 17 17